General Function
The BMT Control Software starts in a window separated into five main sections.
Menu (1) | The menu items of the software with submenu items. |
Main Control View (3) | The main view shows a news page for start-up.
Selecting a controller will load the specific tabs to control each port of the controller. Details about the specific controller port options can be read in the manual at the controller specific software section:
BMT Controller Details View (4) | Selecting a controller will load the details page, which allows to setup controller specific settings and also controlling the programs of the controller ports.
More about the general controller settings are described in section General Controller Configuration. More about the specific controller settings can be read in the manual at the controller specific software section:
Status (5) | Showing the status of the client software with the PC IP-Address |
Load & Save Program
The submenu “Load program” & “Save program” of main menu item “Edit” allows to save and load the program configuration of the connected BMT Controller programs.
Save Program
The program configuration of each controller and each controller port is saved into a file. The location and filename can be selected using the Client Software on a PC. Saving the program using the Client Software on the BMT Controller itself will store the program of this BMT Controller.
Load Program
Selecting a valid program file, the Client Software loads the entries of the programs. If the Controller is the same, the programs are loaded directly. If the controller is different, the matching controller needs to be selected.
It is also possible to skip the loading process of some BMT Controller and only loading the data of some BMT Controller program entries, but only if the controller connected are not the same like the ones the data was saved.
Note: All BMT Controller which are loaded will be stopped and overwritten. Please save the program data if needed before loading new files.
Using the Client Software in the BMT Controller directly will just load the controller data programs of each port.
The list views the status of each port:
The button clear resets the view list and the timing start.
The Checkbox "File Log" enables the function for writing the log into a dated file into the folder "data-log". [Client version > 2.34]
This information and communicated by the controller in an interval and updated in the list periodically.
Network Program Controller
[from GUI and Firmware-Versions 0.24]
This control allows to start a program from an USB-Stick remotely for BMT controllers - and to stop running programs.
A. For a specific BMT controller by using the IP-Address
B. For all connected BMT controllers using UDP broardcast (program file name needs to be the same on all connected USB-Sticks at the BMT controllers)
Program name | The program file name at the USB-Stick connected to the controller(s). |
Broadcast | Using UDP broadcast for control signal (for all connected BMT controller). |
IP-Address | Using TCP-IP Address for control signal (for the specific BMT controller). |
Stop | Stop the running program(s) remotely. |
Start | Start the program(s) with the program file name remotely. |
Start Programs
It is possible to individually start all programs of all connected controller together.
For every port where a program is added of each connected controller, it is possible to enable the program execution by enabling the switch at the port number.
If there is any enabled program, it is possible to start to run using the start button
If there is a max. execution time for each program, the remaining time will be shown. The maximum number of all selected programs is used for this countdown. If there is any repeat endless program activation, there is an endless symbol.
Client Settings
The window allows to change the client software specific values.
Client TCP-Port: | The communication between the BMT Controller and the Client Software is using the TCP-/IP protocol. This port is used for the communication from the BMT Controller to the Client Software. Each port can only be used once. |
Multicast-IP: | Each Client Software broadcast its information to the network using the Multicast-IP and UDP-Port in periodic intervals using the UPD protocol. |
UDP-Port: | Port used for the UPD broadcast messages of the Client Software. |
use encryption | It is possible to encrypt the data communication between the Client Software and the BMT Controller. To use the encryption a password must be set. After the encryption is activated, only the Client Software with the same password can connect to the controller. It is possible to reset the password. Read more in the next chapter Data Encryption for Communication. |
For every change you need to save the new parameters. A validation is made before saving the new values.
Data Encryption for Communication
Activate Encryption
Activating the encryption will open the password dialog.
After setting a password, the software will directly use this password to encrypt and decrypt the network communication. Every connected BMT Controller needs to be updated with this password.
To update the controller, a password file named "encryption.bmt" is generated and needs to be set to the controller. Copy this file to an USB-Stick and insert the USB-Stick into the BMT Controller. This can be done while the Controller is running or also before the boot process. After the settings are set all communication will be encrypted and decrypted using this password. Only Clients with same password will be able to connect and control this device.
It is also possible to change the password. The process is the same as for activating the encryption.
Deactivate Encryption
Deselection the use encryption checkbox will delete the password and change the communication to standard mode. To reset the encryption at the BMT Controllers the file names "encryption.bmt.reset.bmt" needs to be updated at the controller using an USB-Stick. This can be done while the Controller is running or also before the boot process. After the settings are reset, the communication of the controller will also change to standard mode.
License for additional product support can be added here.
"Language" is a submenu item of the "Settings" main menu entry. It is possible to change the language to any of the selectable sub entries. Please note that the software is refreshing its full content after changing the language and all entries and programs will get lost. It is recommended to save the setup using “Edit – Save program” before. It is also necessary to re-connect the controllers after changing the language.
The main menu item "Help" has the submenu items "Manual" and "Info".
The Manual submenu item opens the hekp page. An internet connection is needed.
The Info submenu item shows the company details of BMT Fluid Control Solutions GmbH. Please feel free to contact the manufacturer using these contact details.